2007年3月7日 星期三

Dispersion modelling near tunnel exits: Simulation and measurements

Dispersion modelling near tunnel exits: Simulation and measurements

Measurements of car exhaust gases were made in May/June 1995 in the vicinity of the Bielefeld tunnel. CO and NOx from car exhausts were measured to allow comparison with a model simulation. Ozone was also measured. These measurements were made using commercial continuous analysers. A valve control system was used to investigate the dispersion of the trace gases. This allowed measurements at up to 15 locations within a short period. Thus only one analyser was required for measurements at all 15 points. Following the measuring campaign the topography in the vicinity of the Bielefeld tunnel was digitized. A flow and dispersion model called MISCAM (Micro Scale Air pollution Model) was then utilized. Results from the simulation were compared with the measurements. Comparison of the measurements with the simulation validate the simulation results for inert trace gases such as CO and NOx. The deviation between measurements and simulation is about 16%.
Author Keywords
Dispersion simulation; Exhaust gas measurements; Traffic pollution; Tunnel modelling

References (4)


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Numerical modelling of gas dispersion from road tunnels in urban environments: Comparison with field experiment data
Delaunay, D. , Flori, J.P. , Sacré, C.
Ctr. Sci. et Tech. du Bâtiment, Aerodynamic/Climat. Environ. Dept., 11 rue Henri Picherit, 44323 Nantes Cedex 3, France
Numerical computations and field experiments of the dispersion of a tracer gas from a road tunnel in Paris are compared. The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, combined with the k-ε turbulence model of Chen and Kim, are solved using the finite-volume code PHOENICS. Results are shown to be sensitive to the turbulence modelling and to the parameterization of turbulence and drag forces generated by traffic.
Author Keywords
Atmospheric dispersion; Field data; Numerical modelling; Turbulence models; Urban environment

References (12)


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sources:Jaeschke, W.a , Von Trümbach, J.a , Beltz, N.a , Ries, R.b , Heil, O.b a Centre for Environmental Research, J.W. Goethe-University Frankfurt, Postfach 11 19 32, D-60054 Frankfurt, Germanyb Dept. for Measurement Technology, Lahmeyer International, Frankfurt, Germany
